
An Example: Ham radio text messaging

A Ham radio repeater receives a daily regional data package. It may
retrieve it from the internet, receive it as a radio transmission,
or it may receive it locally over 802.11. It may receive a disk
in the mail. Based upon its custom implementation, it finds messages
in the package directed to ham radio artists, messages that it
validates with a key system to ensure that spam is not transmitted.
It then broadcasts each of these messages on the hour, as morse code.
The repeater may choose to accept message receipt acknowledgements
based upon its own key system so that received messages do not have
to be retransmitted. The ham community itself is the best authority
and will decide amongst themselves how a message should be assembled
such that it is most efficient and satisfactory to the repeater
owners. Unsatisfactory messages will get ignored. The repeater
itself may choose to add received morse messages to the package
for redistribution and/or send these messages direct to another
server that bears packages.

An Example: Local classified ads

A small town gas station has a computer running this system.
A sign notifies users that they can scan a smartphone code
to participate in the system. Upon scanning it, they are
directed to install the node software, which is extremely
lightweight. Now, when they arrive at the store, ads that
they have put in their phone enter the system, and ads that
are in the store's system end up in their phone. The user
can type up ads in their convenience, and their phone will
be updated whenever they buy gas. A system installed at
a house near an intersection can serve the same purpose,
particularly if it bears a good directional antenna.
The users search the data for entries that have a SENDER
field of "CLASSIFIEDS".

An Example: Local E-mail without Internet

An individual with no internet wants to send an e-mail to another
such individual on the other side of the state. He writes it
into his laptop's node software or into his raspberry pi. He then
puts the computer into his car as he drives to the local gas station.
A computer along the way takes his data and adds it to its package.
Anyone who drives by with the system ends up with an updated package
bearing that e-mail. The package propagates across the state
until it reaches its destination hours later. The recipient's
software always uses the message hashes to ensure that duplicates
are not registered, even if a duplicate arrives in another day's
package. PGP key signatures can be used to validate senders
and prevent spam.

An Example: Long distance E-mail propagated thorough the Internet

In the previous example, e-mail was being sent without any
internet at all. In this current scenario, an e-mail is being
sent with a standard recipient's e-mail address. As the data
is being propagated throughout the region, it runs into an
internet enabled node server that identifies e-mails in the
package and sends them through the internet to the recipient.
Upon it sending the e-mail, it annotates the package such
that future package recipients know that it was sent to
the internet by a certain source. It is up to those future
recipients to decide whether or not the annotator was reliable
and whether or not it should be resent. It is possible that
multiple e-mail enabled servers will transmit the same e-mail.
Due to the current e-mail spam protocols, it is likely that
these servers will have to put their addresses in as the
FROM address in the forwarded e-mails. Those who choose
to receive these types of e-mails can whitelist various
servers that they prefer and consider reliable, and their
own e-mail clients may be configured to delete duplicates.

An Example: Browsing the web without local Internet

In the previous example, e-mail was being sent without local
internet access. In the same manner, web queries can be
sent and their results added to the package. Headers can
be used to annotate that a prior web query's results are
now in the package. Also, results that have already been
added to the package by another web enabled package server
will bear an identical hash such that the data will not be
duplicated. The header method may be preferable because
webpages can contain minor changes, such as the day and
time, when re-requested. Then again, how these queries
are handled can be determined over time by the community.

In the previous two examples, complexities could arise due
due to there being too many servers willing to satisfy queries.
This can be fixed by sending queries to specific servers.
Servers can advertise their services to the public through
general broadcasts.

An Example: A "web" server with no Internet whatsoever

Someone wants to make a server to offer data to the world.
They send a message to "ALL" with a keywords or text that
the public recognizes as an announcement of a new server.
This message could be treated just as news. The message
can provide an address to send queries to, along with
instructions on how it prefers to be queried.

The above are simply examples. The community should
perfect these methods while maintaining the spirit of
the software as exposed in these papers.

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Hermann L. Johnson. January 2019. Free for unmodified redistribution and non-commercial use.