Datafiles Sample

index.txt sample
datafile sample : CINCINATTI-2019-01-31.txt

UTC_datetime format is: 2019-01-31T18:40:32+00:00 (ISO-8601)
UTC_datestamp format is: 2019-01-31

Filename Format
ABBREVIATEDLOCATION-utcdatestamp.txt or .zip

Header Format

The header's shasum_identifier gives a sum for the remaining header
information, exclusive of the %BK% tag but inclusive any other tags that
follow it.

Carriage returns do not count as line breaks. %LBK% is necessary.

Entry Format

Once again, the shasum does not include the %BK% tag following it, but it
does contain all subsequent information and tags.

Recommended detailed_location is: city/town,county,state,country

Transmissions should end with %EOF%

Package File Name
ABBREVIATEDLOCATION-datestamp.txt and .zip

The datestamp is UTC and does not include time. This datestamp is the
same as that which appears on datafile entries. Thus a location file
can be updated at a later date with data that arrives later.

If someone creates a file with the bad case, a savvy server can simply
merge it into a file with the proper case.

Index File Format

The last two fields (file sizes) are optional.
The %LBK% can be replaced with a carriage return when displaying content to a user.

Index File Name
index.txt and .zip

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Hermann L. Johnson. January 2019. Free for unmodified redistribution and non-commercial use.